Design & UXKPIsAtomic DesignWorking with dataBuilding at scale
Case study


Optimising the experience for used car dealerships.


mflDirect's website allows car dealerships to buy ex-Motability vehicles. My role was to build up and strengthen mflDirect's design system from a visual and accessibility perspective.

While overseeing the UI and motion design, and adhering to WCAG AA guidelines for accessibility I collaborated with the UX team to integrate their user research findings into the design system.

Part 1

Design and UX

The project presented several considerations, including building out an interface that stayed intuitive while presenting a lot of information.

As part of the Motability Group accessibility was key, so we made sure to keep this in our minds as we hit WCAG's AA guidelines.

The website had to handle various user accounts, facilitate the purchasing process, and provide information on shipping and stock - balancing speed with functionality.

Creating an information heirarchy.
Card sorting is an essential part of the process, and something we did as often as possible.
Prototyping was high-fidelity when possible to get the best possible reactions and insights.
A selection of some of our button styles.
Part 3

From design to development.

I used Brad Frost’s atomic design approach to build out the design system, although I added a foundational section for spacing, movement and transitions, and typography. It allowed us to build using the existing brand foundations, then expanding to more complex components such as cards, page layouts, and interactive elements.

Working closely with the dev team dev team I used Zeplin to hand over screens and symbols. Design tokens were marked up and detailed specs noted to help build out a Storybook site as a single source of truth for the brand. This process bridged the gap between design and development nicely, and keeping a few sprints ahead made sure we never stepped on each others digital toes.

Vehicle cards, before and after a bit of UI attention and added functionality.

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Blackout App - displayed on a mobile device
Next up...

Blackout Technologies

  • Brand conception and style guides
  • Tone of voice
  • Interaction design

Blackout wanted to build a profile that would allow employers and educators to prohibit the use of mobile functionality, such as cameras, voice recording apps, and web browsers based on user GPS location, geofence, or proximity to beacons. This project included a wider brand application and the development of mobile apps and a desktop PWA.

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